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pilates education and research

teacher’s training course content: part 1



1. Anatomy lecture on the skeletal, myofascial systems. Concludes with anatomy learning exercises (identifying bones, joints, muscles). Study the anatomy colouring book.

2. Anatomy lecture on the remaining systems. Concludes with anatomy learning games and exercises. 

3. Physiology lecture. 

4. a. Breathing and Relaxation lecture. 

    b. Breathing and Relaxation techniques and practice. Exercises, visualisation and verbal cues. 

    c. Voice coaching. The importance of tone of voice and choice of vocabulary.

5. a. Spine, stability and function lecture. 

    b. Spinal mobility and stability.

6. a. Pelvic function, lecture. 

    b. Pelvic and hip stability introduction and practice. Importance of pelvic floor muscles (perineum), transversus abdominis, psoas muscle. 

7. Leg and foot alignment.  

8. Scapular stability practice. 

9. Neck and head alignment.

10. Alignment/ fascial release workshop. Learning to look at the whole body alignment and assessing patients.

11. Core stability. Abdominal exercises to assist with stability and posture.

12. Common medical conditions lecture.  How Pilates helps with degenerative conditions.

13. Chronic back pain. Release techniques, management and progress.

14. Progressing from simple movements to elaborate exercises.

15. Arc/small barrel workshop.     

16. Wobble board workshop. A tool to improve balance and posture. 

17. Soft ball workshop. To assist release and challenge stability.

18. Nutrition lecture.

19. Hands on workshop. Technique and application.

20. Spine corrector workshop.

21. Advanced Pilates 1. 

22. Advanced Pilates 2.

23. Lesson planning. Learn to collaborate with other specialists.   Allocation of case studies and essays.


Modules and workshops are 6 hours long excluding lunch break. Some modules require extra time before to warm up or after time to practice.

Extra requirements:

  • 500 hours of logged observation, practice and supervised teaching during and after the course.

  • Completion of 2X10 (hour sessions) case studies and 1 essay.

  • Course structure and timing

  • Complete minimum 30 hours “open workshop” * practice before module 4.

  • Complete 60 hours of open workshop* practice before module 7.

  • Complete 90 hours “open workshop” * practice before module 10.  

  • Complete 120 hours “open workshop” * practice before module 13.

  • Complete 150 hours “open workshop” * practice before module 16.

  • Complete 180 hours “open workshop” * practice before module 19.

  • Complete 210 hours “open workshop” * practice before module 21.

  • Complete 400 hours “open workshop” * practice before module the practical exam.

  • Complete a minimum of 100 hours of supervised teaching including case studies




  • Anatomy and physiology. To be completed before module 5.

  • Common medical conditions and Chronic Back Pain. To be completed before module 19.

  • Practical: manage and teach 3 patients with variable level and physical condition for an hour and 30 min. session.

Allow 12-18 months to complete training with certification on Matwork, small Apparatus and Barrels.

theoritical studies, basic, progressive and advanced matwork, small apparatus and barrels
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