year one
P.E.A.R. undergraduate course
Diplomas: Mat Work and remedial, apparatus, barrels, wobble boards and Reformer.

Joseph Pilates told us that all equipment leads to the Advanced Mat work. The Basic Pilates Mat is the foundation of the Pilates method. We learn to apply and analyse the Pilates Principles: Alignment, Precision, Breathing, Centering, Focus, Flow, Control. We will learn to use small apparatus, to facilitate improved performance, rehabilitation and overcome physical restrictions.
we learn anatomy and physiology relevant to the Pilates technique. Postural and alignment analysis and how to assess a client. Basic and advanced Matwork are taught in depth and we learn to practice and teach it in a sound and refined way.
PEAR osteopaths will help us to comprehend common medical conditions we often come across and apply the remedial repertoire.
We will also learn fascia release techniques, rehabilitation techniques. Pre and post natal Pilates, Hands on techniques, Refined alignment application and identification techniques, Verbal cues guidance. Breathing techniques. We will use apparatus such as balls, bands, foam rollers and wobble boards and learn how they add another dimension in the matwork to challenge, but also help us to facilitate overcoming physical restrictions caused by a variety of reasons including pregnancy, illness, age and more.
The Barrels: Arc, Spine corrector, Ladder Barrel.
Rumour has it that J. Pilates got his inspiration to design these from beer barrels. These three pieces of equipment are valuable tools in the art of Pilates.
The Barrels are unique in the way they help us use and understand in depth spinal movement and support. They add
a valuable repertoire of exercises and adaptations that enriches the matwork and help us work on the reformer and Cadillac.
J. Pilates designed the Reformer in his N. York studio in the '60s mainly aimed at dancers. The repertoire is rich, flowing and graceful so no wonder this is the most popular piece of equipment.
The Reformer training is an important part of teacher training. The leg alignment it teaches us is unparalleled. It's an important rehabilitation tool for hips, low back and it enhances greatly the core stability.
Deep strength, agility, balance, advanced technique, and complex dynamics are some of the highlights of the Reformer training. Reformer commands the most flowing and gracious sequences.
62 exercises including the classical repertoire, plus variations.Explore the foundation principles of teaching on the Reformer. Starting with leg alignment, spinal placement, stability and breathing patterns.Explore further the art of teaching on the Reformer with complex concepts and exercises. Learn to look at the whole body, isolation of muscle groups and refined form and technique.Understand how Reformer supports the body to develop enhanced skills with safety.Learn safe and correct use of the machine.​
1. Anatomy lecture on the skeletal, myofascial systems. Concludes with anatomy learning exercises (identifying bones, joints, muscles). Study the anatomy colouring book.
2. Anatomy lecture on the remaining systems. Concludes with anatomy learning games and exercises.
3. Physiology lecture.
4. a. Breathing and Relaxation lecture.
b. Breathing and Relaxation techniques and practice. Exercises, visualisation and verbal cues.
c. Voice coaching. The importance of tone of voice and choice of vocabulary.
5. a. Spine, stability and function lecture.
b. Spinal mobility and stability.
6. a. Pelvic function, lecture.
b. Pelvic and hip stability introduction and practice. Importance of pelvic floor muscles (perineum), transversus abdominis, psoas muscle.
7. Leg and foot alignment.
8. Scapular stability practice.
9. Neck and head alignment.
10. Alignment/ fascial release workshop. Learning to look at the whole body alignment and assessing patients.
11. Core stability. Abdominal exercises to assist with stability and posture.
12. Common medical conditions lecture. How Pilates helps with degenerative conditions.
13. Chronic back pain. Release techniques, management and progress.
14. Progressing from simple movements to elaborate exercises.
15. Arc/small barrel workshop.
16. Wobble board workshop. A tool to improve balance and posture.
17. Soft ball workshop. To assist release and challenge stability.
18. Foam roller.
19. Hands on workshop. Technique and application.
20. Spine corrector workshop.
21. Advanced Pilates 1.
22. Advanced Pilates 2.
23. Lesson planning. Learn to collaborate with other specialists. Allocation of case studies and essays.
24. Ladder Barrel
25. Ladder Barrel
26-36. Reformer modules, beginners-intermediate-advanced.
Each lecture/module is 4 hours long.
Anatomy and physiology. To be completed before module 5.
Common medical conditions and Chronic Back Pain. To be completed before module 19
Practical: manage and teach 3 patients with variable level and physical condition for an hour and 30 min. session on;
